My future job.

Chemistry and pharmacy: not only running a pharmacy. 

Whenever somebody tell us they are a pharmacist, always we think “ah, you run a pharmacy”, and that isn’t only what we can do.

I’m studying chemistry and pharmacy because I really want to have a scientific job, working on the development of new drugs and new treatments for people’s diseases.  That’s how I think I’ll work on the future: in a laboratory.

I think I could work outdoors, doing field work. But science is clearly an indoor work, in laboratories or classrooms.

Also, I want to be a teacher and investigator. That is how many researchers do they work in Chile. And I like it, because I think being a teacher is a great and underrated job. In science, the way to do it is communicating with your partners and sharing the data, and I think being a teacher and investigator in a university is a very good way to work.

I really don’t mind about the salary. Being a pharmacist is like a way to have a good salary, but I really don’t mind about it, it isn’t my focus.

Now, I’m on my second year in the pharmacy school and I want to specialize in pharmaceutical biotechnology and biochemistry. I think that’s the future in the development of new drugs and I want to be there.


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