Summer plans.

 Summer plans. 

I really don’t have any plans for the summer. Due to the covid pandemic, I can not go to the beach or hanging out with my friends.

But, I’d really love to hang out with my friends, drink a cup and just have fun. I have not seen my friends since January, the last time we went to the university, and then in March I seen them for two days, and then the pandemic attacked us.

I would like to hang out, go to a park and just be there with my friends and my boyfriend. I think in these times the best we can do is going out to a park or a national park, why not going to a natural reserve to be in contact with the nature. Despite I am not a very “outsider” person, I really want to be in contact with the nature, because being a year in lockdown anyone would like to be outside.

This summer, despite anything, will be very worked up. Because I collaborate in a pro-LGBT+ secretary of the FECH. We want to do talks and workshops for all the students.

I also plan to study in these vacations, because I must be up to date with my classes I didn’t attend. This year was difficult to all of us and to be up to date is very important to me.


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